What is your answer?

President Kennedy appealed to the golden rule in arguing that

    { 1 } - Americans should vote for him instead of for Nixon.
    { 2 } - racial segregation was wrong.
    { 3 } - cutting taxes would promote the economy.
    { 4 } - the Russians ought to withdraw their missiles from Cuba.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

President Kennedy appealed to the golden rule in arguing that


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2 is correct!

President Kennedy appealed to the golden rule in arguing that

    { 1 } - Americans should vote for him instead of for Nixon.
    { 2 } - racial segregation was wrong.
    { 3 } - cutting taxes would promote the economy.
    { 4 } - the Russians ought to withdraw their missiles from Cuba.

Kennedy asked whites to consider what it would be like to be treated as second-class citizens because of skin color. They were to imagine themselves being black -- and being told that they thus couldn't vote, or go to the best public schools, or eat at most public restaurants, or sit in the front of the bus. Would whites be content to be treated that way? He was sure that they wouldn't -- and yet this is how they treated others. He said the "heart of the question is whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated."

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

President Kennedy appealed to the golden rule in arguing that

    { 1 } - Americans should vote for him instead of for Nixon.
    { 2 } - racial segregation was wrong.
    { 3 } - cutting taxes would promote the economy.
    { 4 } - the Russians ought to withdraw their missiles from Cuba.

I guess all this happened before you were born.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

President Kennedy appealed to the golden rule in arguing that

    { 1 } - Americans should vote for him instead of for Nixon.
    { 2 } - racial segregation was wrong.
    { 3 } - cutting taxes would promote the economy.
    { 4 } - the Russians ought to withdraw their missiles from Cuba.

That's not a bad guess.

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the end