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Ross's prima facie view holds that the basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of things. So what matters in ethics is, not just consequences, but also what kind of thing we do.

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1 is correct!

Ross's prima facie view holds that the basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of things. So what matters in ethics is, not just consequences, but also what kind of thing we do.

This is what the view holds. It sees our basic duties as fidelity (keeping our promises), reparation (making up for any harm that we've done to another), gratitude (returning good to those who have done good to us), jusice (upsetting distributions of pleasure or happiness that don't accord with merit), beneficence (doing good to others), self-improvement (improving our virtue and knowledge), and nonmaleficence (not harming others).

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ross's prima facie view holds that the basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of things. So what matters in ethics is, not just consequences, but also what kind of thing we do.

This is what the view holds. It sees our basic duties as fidelity (keeping our promises), reparation (making up for any harm that we've done to another), gratitude (returning good to those who have done good to us), jusice (upsetting distributions of pleasure or happiness that don't accord with merit), beneficence (doing good to others), self-improvement (improving our virtue and knowledge), and nonmaleficence (not harming others).

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