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Grand Canyon with David - Thumbnails

These are Grand Canyon pictures from two May 2007 backpack trips that I did with David Tuttle (his wife Carol, who is my sister, enjoyed herself at a lodge on the South Rim): an overnight hike on the Bright Angel and Kaibab Trails (we camped at Cremation on the return from the bottom) and a three-night trip on the Tanner and Beamer Trails.

Click the screen on the right for a 6 minute video.

Click a little picture to enlarge it. To see all the pictures in sequence, click the first picture (or here) and then just keep clicking the right-arrow for the next picture.

00 - Bright Angel Trail 01 - David 02 - Switchbacks 03 - Lizard 04 - Agavi 05 - David 06 - Colorado River 07 - Colorado River 08 - Going up South Kaibab 09 - Cremation Campsite 10 - Mule Train 11 - Tonto Trail 12 - South Kaibab Trail 13 - Harry 14 - Tanner Trail 15 - Tanner Trail 16 - Tanner Trail 17 - Tanner Trail 18 - David 19 - Harry Resting 20 - Level Part of Tanner 21 - Watchtower at Desert View 22 - Lizard 23 - David 24 - Cliffs 25 - Campsite 26 - Harry's Tent 27 - Beamer Trail 28 - Colorado River 29 - Beamer Trail 30 - Beamer Trail 31 - Rafters 32 - Skinny Hiker 33 - Refreshing Colorado 34 - Colorado River 35 - Colorado River 36 - Strange Rock 37 - Palisades Campsite 38 - Rafters 39 - Heading Back 40 - David 41 - Windy Campsite

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