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Grand Canyon Solo - Thumbnails

These are Grand Canyon pictures from a five night solo backpack trip that I did in May 2010: down the Tanner and Beamer trails to the Little Colorado River, and then back.

Click a little picture to enlarge it. To see all the pictures in sequence, click the first picture (or here) and then just keep clicking the right-arrow for the next picture.

00 - Descending the rough Tanner Trail 01 - The middle flat section 02 - View of the Colorado River 03 - Steep descent on asinine hill 04 - Descent to the river 05 - Tanner Beach 06 - My Tanner Beach campsite 07 - Beamer Trail 08 - Peaceful Colorado River 09 - A Colorado River island 10 - Sand-shift measurement gismo 11 - The Colorado below 12 - The Colorado below 13 - The Colorado below 14 - Many side drainages to cross 15 - The river from a side drainage 16 - The Little Colorado mouth 17 - Ben Beamer's cabin 18 - Ben Beamer's cabin 19 - My cliffside campsite 20 - Little Colorado River 21 - Little Colorado River 22 - Little entering Big Colorado 23 - Inchworm at my river campsite 24 - Cliff-edge Beamer Trail 25 - Trail across drainage 26 - Lizard 27 - Rafters far below 28 - Descending to Palisades Beach 29 - River campsite at Espejo Canyon 30 - Rock face 31 - Hot ascent of the Tanner Trail 32 - Natural shade 33 - Natural shade 34 - View of the Desert Watchtower 35 - My campsite near the Tanner end

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