What is your answer?

Moore's main purpose in Principia Ethica is to

    { 1 } - show that ethical knowledge is impossible.
    { 2 } - give the fundamental principles of ethical reasoning.
    { 3 } - help people to become virtuous.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Moore's main purpose in Principia Ethica is to

As a philosopher of common sense, Moore believed in ethical knowledge.

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2 is correct!

Moore's main purpose in Principia Ethica is to

    { 1 } - show that ethical knowledge is impossible.
    { 2 } - give the fundamental principles of ethical reasoning.
    { 3 } - help people to become virtuous.

He is looking for the basic principles behind ethics.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Moore's main purpose in Principia Ethica is to

    { 1 } - show that ethical knowledge is impossible.
    { 2 } - give the fundamental principles of ethical reasoning.
    { 3 } - help people to become virtuous.

This was Aristotle's goal.

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the end